Long time a'comin'
2004-07-20 7:10 a.m.

Well it certainly has been a while since I've updated here. Sorry about that. With all of everything that has happened, I have a damn good excuse.

But we'll just talk about the good things for now.

I had a blast up in Indiana at Cara's house. We did lots of fun stuff. We went and visited the haunted Willard Library, to see if we could catch a glimpse of the famous "Grey Lady". No such luck, but it was a good trip anyhow. We also visited the city tourist center, where I loaded up on packets and brochures to take home.

Indiana is definately beautiful.

We watched alot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and now I'm an addict all over again. I used to watch it when it first came on TV....and then only parts of some seasons after much longer. Anyways, you're looking at the next person to go all out and buy all 7 seasons, I tell ya! *grin*

Oh..new template. You like? If you do...wow, we have some things in common...if you don't then too bad. LOL!

I feel like I've been neglecting my friends a bit, but I really want you all to know that it is totally unintentional. For one thing, I just got home the other day from my trip. Two, so many things have happened it's rediculous. So, if you're feeling left-out on my account, please don't.

We had a "kiddo" day yesterday. It was a total blast, and we all had fun! We put together a lunch, and headed off to the park, which was totally deserted. :o)

We all played for hours. Afterwards, I took them to the grocery store, and they got to pick out lots of goodies. I never noticed how much my kids love fresh fruit before! That's a definate plus.

When we got back home, we suited up proper, and played in the water with the hose, lol. Oh, I forgot to mention, on the way home we all got sno-cones. mmmmm!

Well, it's off to the coffee pot for another pot to brew up. Hope that you all have a wonderful week, yes! Oh yea, and stop by my brand-new free graphics site: Clicky Thanks!




What you Missed:
VENT TIME!!!! - 2004-09-16
Getting up Early - 2004-09-12
We're all fine - 2004-09-11
Update on everything - 2004-09-08
Update and Beths birthday - 2004-09-04

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