POY-Soup of Amnesia
2004-04-20 10:53 p.m.

Soup of Amnesia

This weeks topic is provided by 'ladyavalon'.

The Chinese believe in reincarnation, and that when you die, you'll have to cross a bridge, and on that bridge, there are many people, and they represent the levels you have to pass through.

There is one person who is an old lady. She is in charge of making a soup [more like a potion...] to give to the souls to drink, so that they can forget everything. Sad memories, happy memories, embarrassing memories, sweet memories... all your memories.

Would you drink that soup? If yes, what are the things that you want to forget? Explain why.

If no, explain why.

This weeks topic ~ Soup of Amnesia


I wouldn't drink the soup. There are many bad things I'd like to forget about. Moments where I thought that I'd never live through the next day thinking of what I'd done, or what had gone on.

There were many times where I didn't know what to do...where I felt lost, humiliated, or hurt badly. I've lost family, friends, pets, and pride throughout my lifetime.

Happy memories are all that you can think about when something horrible occurs....like the first time I held each one of my children. My wedding day, or the first time I really knew I was in love. You know that feeling...when your stomach is full of butterflies, and your heart is about to burst open because you're so scared, but anxious? I'd never give any of this up.

Everything that has happened to me, was either a lesson learned, or was just supposed to happen. I do believe in destiny...and I believe that the things that happen to us are what makes us who we are.



What you Missed:
VENT TIME!!!! - 2004-09-16
Getting up Early - 2004-09-12
We're all fine - 2004-09-11
Update on everything - 2004-09-08
Update and Beths birthday - 2004-09-04

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