Better than the average White-Trash
2004-02-04 7:03 p.m.

I really need silence right now.

Silence....sheer quietness. The kind of silence you hear when noone is around, and nothing is running.

Today has been one hell of a horrible day. I woke up and had coffee, and that didn't go too was okay...

Joe was up by 9am, and Dillan & Bethanee up by 10am. They ate breakfast, and I started on the daily chores.

I didn't write it down in here, but I hurt my back really badly somehow. It is horrible, and even worse than that when I move, or life my right arm up. I don't know what the hell it is, but it shoots sharp pains in the right-side of my ribs.

Anyways, I folded about 4 loads of clothes, and had them laying neatly on my bed. I was going to wait to put them up, because I had the last tiny load in the dryer, I thought I'd fold those, and put them all up at once. Simple, right?


In the meantime, I figured I'd straighten the living room and sweep the floor, as it needed it! I swept, and got the last load out of the dryer, walked into my room, and guess what?

LO and behold, there are my two boys, in the middle of 4 loads of laundry all unfolded. Even the paired up socks were undone.

Now, normally this wouldn't be such a bad situation. But for one, it took me almost 2 hours to fold the clothes in the first place with my back out-of-whack like this.

Secondly, I'm tired, weak, and I really don't feel too good. I'm starting to get really depressed over not having any breaks at all.

The only time I can get a break is when mom is here, and I use that break to run errands and pay bills. On my feet, or driving. Yea, that's a real fucking break.

See, this wouldn't be a problem if my "old local pals" wouldn't have dropped off the face of this earth after they used me and left me behind like an old dish towel.

Fuck those bitches man, I can't wait until the next time I see one of them. I'm going to put my "smiley-face" on, and walk right by without saying a word.

"Leslie, can I borrow this shirt, stain it, then give it back?"

"Leslie, do you think you can watch my nephew tonight?, I'll say I'm going to pick him up at 10pm, and get to your house at 3:30 in the morning."

"Leslie, can you burn me 9 music CD's, so I can promise to pick you up the next day to go food shopping? I promise I'll ditch you for someone else, and never call you again."

UGH. I don't know if any of you have ever had friends like that. If you still have friends like that, you are best off to drop them like the shit they are.

Most of these people I've known for at least 10 years. The only time I saw them after I got married was when they showed up at my doorstep needing something.

Well, one person was my friend afterwards, until she lied to her hick-faced boyfriend about me out of sheer jealousy. That's sick, isn't it? And I knew her since we were little bitty.

Ah, screw the whole world. I don't need you hicks anyways. Yes I do think I'm better than the average Texan White-trash.

Take that yogi bear!



What you Missed:
VENT TIME!!!! - 2004-09-16
Getting up Early - 2004-09-12
We're all fine - 2004-09-11
Update on everything - 2004-09-08
Update and Beths birthday - 2004-09-04

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