Okay..are we a bit selfish?
2003-12-26 11:57 p.m.

You know what pisses me off?

How people can complain about something that is "given" to them as a gift on Christmas.

Christmas is not a time of gifts...not a time of more - expensive than the other. Christmas is a time of togetherness and love. No matter what. It's not "oh she got this and hers is better".

Just thought I'd remind someone that all gifts are given by the heart. People donate to charities what they can for people that are without. Sometimes they can't give as much. Sometimes they can. But it's the thought that counts. The whole deal is that your family did have a Christmas. They did not go without, and they had what was given to them. So why are you griping? Because they didn't get what you wanted for them, or what they wanted? Well, next year you can go out and buy it yourself. That's really rude and ungreatful of you. Other people besides who-you-mentioned bought your children stuff as well...and yet you didn't mention them. I didn't go off on you about that, did I? Or were my gifts not good enough? That's okay...because you can bet your selfishness that I won't be sending you anything next year. I tried to help but I think that you should really take a look at who you are and what you're saying about people that are giving you things.



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