updating? Pet Peeves
2004-06-03 2:39 a.m.

Well, I guess it's been too damn long since I've been here last to update. Alot has happened, probably more than I'll type. Mike and I are "taking things easy" if you wanna call it that. We fight too damn much and it's driving me insane. Not to mention the kids feeling the tension of it....

So, needless to say, we are seperating for 2 weeks....

I do have good news amongst this bad shit though. I'm leaving in the end of June to go up to IN to see Cara for the first time. We're going to have a HUGE birthday party! Probably out at Oz's if he ever gets his ass home from WI. LMAO!

Crazy stuff, huh?

My candle business is going really well. So many people are repeat customers. As a matter of fact, 70% are repeaters. They just really like my stuff, I suppose! :o)

I'm up too late again. It seems like I can never sleep these days....nights...mornings, whatever.

I have so much to do everyday. I clean, and clean and clean...then cook. Playtime with the kids comes around, then I clean again, and clean some more. It really pisses me off when I clean the kitchen up and wake up to a filthy one. Who the hell likes trudging through a filthy kitchen first thing in the morning to get to the damn coffee pot? Certainly not me. All my friends do know that I am a total germ freak for one thing. I have pet peeves about shit. I do not like my kitchen dirty at all. I mean shit, it's where you prepare meals for Christ's sake!

I was thinking about all my pet peeves earlier tonight, and I do have some weird ones....

1. No dirty kitchens for me

2. I do not wear dingy socks, or colored ones. They have to be sparkly white!

3. I cannot stand an ashtray with butts all in it. If there are more than 3 or 4 cigarette butts in it, it gets dumped. I don't care if the ashtray is gets emptied.

4. I cannot sleep in any bed, or on any couch without having made it up first. That's a silly one, isn't it? But I'm just too uncomfortable without making it first!

5. I don't like people I don't really know to touch my hair....or any part of my face. It's too weird. Like, sure, you're friends with a friend of mine, but please keep your fingers away from my hair!

6. My cleaning supplies. I never run out. If I'm out of something I clean with, like bleach or pine-o-pine, it gets bought asap. I can't live without them for some reason.

7. I can't stand anything sweaty, sticky, or weird feeling on my hands. Lotion? In the winter months only.

Do you know what's weird about my pet peeves? Almost all of them have to do with germs. Odd.

Well, now that I've filled all of your heads with shit you really didn't wanna know about me, I'll be going.

I hope all of you out there are doing well, and sorry I've been gone so long.




What you Missed:
VENT TIME!!!! - 2004-09-16
Getting up Early - 2004-09-12
We're all fine - 2004-09-11
Update on everything - 2004-09-08
Update and Beths birthday - 2004-09-04

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