Please pray for my mom
2004-01-14 2:43 p.m.

Today my mom goes back to the doctor, to see if her outcome from surgery was benign or malignant.

Today I have no phone, so I can't call her.....and today, I feel really odd.

I love my mom..and she's been put through hell and back in her lifetime. My mom can go crazy, be wild, senseless, and even cruel. But she's my mom, and she's also loving, caring, giving, and considerate. I don't want anything bad to happen to her anymore. I want everything to go perfect for the rest of her life.

I want to be able to give her that...and other things she might want or need for. I just don't know if I can stand by and watch cancer take over her body....

I don't think I can. I really don't. And all this makes me wonder, how someone who has led such a life, in helping others, hardly ever getting anything in return, could be put through the devastations of a disease.

I'm sad, and I feel like I'm lost, almost...almost useless in helping right now. Almost like I'm a ghost in the shadow of a corner, or a brick in an invisible wall.

I wish I knew what to do...GOD I wish I could just call her. Even though she's not home yet....

I still want to cry. But I know that I can't...I don't even know the results yet....and here I sit, worried beyond belief.

I will let you all know how this turns out..please pray!




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