Goodbye Electricity
2004-07-27 5:32 p.m.

I wonder if DLand will let me write an entry today? I hope so. Things are really rough here and now. Besides the mortgage company threatening to foreclose on the house, my electricity is being shut off tommorow morning. For some odd reason no one can help us. I've called my welfare office and gotten a list of organizations and churches that usually help you out. Even if you go down there and work for them, or help them in some way...then they'll usually pay your utility bill for you. Everyone is out of we cannot get any help.

Mike seems to blame me for this...even though I'm not the sole supporter of the household, everything is backed up to being "Leslie's Fault." I have put out over 20 applications for jobs in town in the past week....he has put out one.

It's not like I can even pay all these freaking bills on minimum wage any damn way! So why is it always up to ONLY me when we have a problem????

Life sucks.



What you Missed:
VENT TIME!!!! - 2004-09-16
Getting up Early - 2004-09-12
We're all fine - 2004-09-11
Update on everything - 2004-09-08
Update and Beths birthday - 2004-09-04

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